Most Common Workplace Injuries That Lead to an OWCP Doctor Visit

A lot of different things can go wrong on a job site or at work, leading to injuries, appointments with OWCP doctors, and workers’ comp claims. It is incredibly important to follow safety guidelines, be aware of your surroundings, and take precautions in your day to day work on the job. But even if you do these things, accidents sometimes still happen and injuries do occur. If you find yourself hurt from a workplace incident, you need to visit OWCP Connect to find an OWCP doctor as soon as possible to begin your workers’ comp claim and get on the road to healing. Be extra vigilant in the workplace if you foresee issues with any of these things, which are the most common workplace injuries, many of which will send you into the office of an OWCP doctor.

If you find yourself hurt from a workplace incident, you need to visit OWCP Connect to find an OWCP doctor as soon as possible to begin your workers’ comp claim and get on the road to healing.

Slips, Trips, and Falls

No matter how steady and balanced you are, everyone trips and slips from time to time. In some workplaces, slick surfaces are common, as are wet floors and uneven pathways. Sometimes walkways are not clearly marked or well lit, and equipment can be faulty which can lead to issues with being able to walk safely through an area. An OWCP doctor can treat all of these injuries, whether it is a minor fracture or a significant tear in a ligament. You can utilize OWCP connect to get in touch with OWCP doctors who specialize in treating this type of injury.

Injuries from Handling

Picking up something heavy, pulling a large load, or carrying something large can lead to injuries. Pulled back muscles, slipped discs, extreme neck pain, and more are common with handling materials. Additionally, you or a co-worker could drop something heavy and injure you. An OWCP doctor will explore your injury and the way in which it occurred to ensure you are taken care of.

Equipment-Related Injuries

Machines tend to act up from time to time, and if they’re not properly maintained and serviced, issues can arise even more frequently. Equipment-related injuries that send you to OWCP Connect and ultimately an OWCP doctor may include unsecured objects falling from equipment, transportation equipment causing injuries, and getting stuck or hurt in or in between equipment. Visiting OWCP Connect will help you find the perfect OWCP doctor for your personal needs and injury.

If you’ve experienced a workplace injury and need an OWCP doctor to handle your care and your claim, you can contact Best DOL Doctors or find a provider with OWCP Connect to ensure you are well cared for both in terms of your physical health and your workers’ compensation claim.