How to Choose the Best OWCP Doctor
If you’re injured at work and need medical care, you need to do some research and make sure you’re choosing the best OWCP doctor. There are a lot of doctors out there who provide DOL and OWCP workers’ comp care, but how do you know that you’re getting an OWCP doctor who is trustworthy, helpful, and committed to your healing? You can explore OWCP Connect and other networking sites that help you connect with OWCP doctors near you.
Compliant with DOL Requirements
Many OWCP doctors in a variety of specialties have gotten in trouble for being dishonest and fraudulent in their billing practices. While you may not be able to explore every avenue of your OWCP doctor’s past, you can look into how compliant they appear to be with DOL and other requirements. You can even ask an OWCP doctor at a visit about ethical practices and billing policies. If it seems like something is off or like they want to “help you out” just a little too much, consider that a red flag and find a new OWCP doctor with OWCP Connect. You want help, of course, but you don’t want to be fraudulent or dishonest, and you certainly don’t want to risk losing your benefits because of someone else’s poor choices.
Focused on Your Best Interest
Some OWCP doctors work for your employers while others are more independent. Finding a doctor through OWCP Connect will help you find someone who does not have loyalties with any company or even government organization but is solely focused on you and your best interest. You want an OWCP doctor who is going to honestly and thoroughly report the full extent of your injuries and work hard to get you the care and compensation you deserve. An OWCP doctor should keep you as their primary interest and focus rather than your employer or even the OWCP.
Helpful in Filing the Claim
If you search for a doctor through OWCP Connect, you will likely find a number of specialists, including medical doctors, osteopaths, chiropractors, physical therapists, and more. These doctors should be experts in their fields, but they should also have expertise in filing workers’ compensation claims. They and their staff should be helpful in filling out the paperwork, submitting the proper documents, and following up with the OWCP and your employer to get everything taken care of quickly. OWCP doctors with OWCP Connect will work side by side with you to ensure your claim is approved and your medical care is handled as best as possible.